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Thursday 15 August 2013

The 7 Diseases of the Mind

These are some things that will hold your business back if you are not aware of
them. We all have them, but we are not always aware of the devastating affect
they can have.

1. Indifference, is when you don't really care, you're just moving along
without any real conviction. Have 'Strong Feelings' about what you do,
anything you do, feel strong about it. Just being 'OK' will not get you to the
top. You did not get into your business to do 'OK', you got into it to make a
difference in your life. So develop 'Strong Feelings' about your business.

2. Indecision, called mental paralysis. This will bring you to your knees. You
have to get off the fence.

3. Doubt, if you don't believe in yourself and your ability to achieve great
things in your business, then how can you expect other people to believe in
you. Lose this one immediately and start believing in yourself.

4. Worry, 'the heavy chains of worry are forged in idle hours'. Stop worrying
about anything, period. Transfer negative energy to positive activities.
Worrying is a complete waste of your time and achieves nothing.

5. Over Caution, there's always risk in anything we do, life is risky. Stop
being concerned about what if it doesn't work and start thinking about what if
it does. You can either look at the 'risk in the opportunity' or the 'opportunity
in the risk'.

6. Pessimism, to the pessimist the 'glass is half empty' and to the optimist
the 'glass is half full, we all know that one, this is just a reminder.

7. Complaining, spend 5 minutes complaining and you've just wasted 5
minutes. Stop complaining, just accept that nothing is perfect.

Now here are 5 MAJOR Ingredients 
that will turn your life around!

1. Disgust, that's when you've had it up to here, you're not going to take it
anymore. You're sick of saving pennies on your shopping bill, working all the
hours at the day job to 'get by'. NO MORE!!!

2. Decision, Learn to make decisions, then stick by those decisions and move
on. Your decisions will not always be right, but they will be right more times
than not and by making them you will move forward much quicker. So, make
decisions, get off the fence and you're business will benefit greatly.

3. Desire, if you could buy this by the bottle you should liquidate all your
assets and buy ever bottle money can buy. This is your 'want to', develop your
'want to', add more 'want' to your 'want to' everyday.

4. Action and then add 'MASSIVE' to it, 'all out massive action'. How many
people did you talk to TODAY about your business. Not yesterday, not what
you're going to do next week or next month - TODAY.

5. Resolve, 'I'm going to the top and I'm not coming down, 'I'm going to the
top'. Develop heavy resolve. Tell everyone that you're either going to be
waving from the top or splattered at the bottom, but you're not coming down.
When you develop heavy resolve it's like everything seems to move out of your

way and great things begin to happen - develop heavy resolve!

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